SpiderOak - Privacy Assured Encrypted Online Backup & File Sync ... at last!
Get your 2G "free for life" encrypted backup with this link!I've long been unhappy with the lack of data security in the cloud. Even on an encrypted system like Syncplicity, the files are stored on their servers with their original names. I know, I know! Many cloud services don't encrypt the data at all, some only on the server (dur), and others retain keys which allow them to decrypt your data.
All this can make your private information vulnerable to hackers, unscrupulous employees, and government agencies who often get ready access just by asking for it (no warrant).
SpiderOak have this covered by ensuring all data is encrypted on your computers and not their servers, and that they don't have sufficient information to even read the filenames and folders, let alone the data. Even brute force attacks are prevented using repeat encryption, combination algorithms and very long encryption keys (2048bit).
For a guy like me whos data is not actually that sensitive this is reassuring. For a company that needs to ensure its data won't end up in the wrong hands it is essential, yet most of the services out there are either wide open (data accessible to employees of the online service), or vulnerable to a range of sophisticated attacks, or anyone with a big enough botnet.
SpiderOak offer 2G free and you can add to this with an extra 1G free for each friend you refer to them.
Features include:
- backup - real time, versioned (never lose accidentally overwritten or deleted files), space efficient (compressed, de-duplicated)
- real time file sychronisation across Windows, Mac, Linux
- sharing - public or private (password protected) file sharing
- web and desktop clients for access and configuration